The reunion episode is also the mad Photoshopper's dream, and this season it was no different. Here are some of my observations:
Every time they cut to a shot of Victorya, she looked like someone had just pooped in her mouth.
Kevin (who claimed that he tried very hard not to be gay...if you're not gay, why such a concerted effort?) thought Elisa was much like Mork from Mork & Mindy. Except female, of course. But Kevin, Jillian was the one who wore suspenders!
Ricky cries enough to deserve a montage of his very own. Perhaps he was at the height of his menstrual cycle during filming? I still maintain that there are other reasons for the tears.
If Tim had to choose a wrestling name, it would be "Polly Syllabicus." I love how Tim can use $1.50 words without seeming the least bit pretentious. I wish they had done a montage of him flexing his vocabularic muscle, as they did last time round. But we really didn't see a lot of him this season, and the only big word I can remember him using is "obfuscate" (which I did not have to look up, btw).
Nina has been called "Meana Garzilla" by a fan on the street. Harsh, but inspirational! Click image to enlarge.
Heidi seriously needs to get her bangs cut.
Rami and Chris looked reeaallly cozy together.
In a surprising turn of events, Christian was named the fan favorite. I thought it would be Elisa, or Sweet P, or Chris March, or Rami, or Jillian or.... But nooo, they gave it to the cartoon character. Now he's going to think he's even fiercer than he already does.
(Take a look at the image on the lower right of the check. Is that a bowling pin kicking a bowling ball? What does it mean? What's the connection to Bravo and Bluefly?)
Yeah, so, not realllly exciting this year. And I thought the Season Three reunion was lackluster. What this post needs is yet more Photoshopping, so here's the second installment of the tradition I started last season, a look at the Class of Season Four. Click image to enlarge.